whassup, baby?
YEEEEEEAH. That's right. Barry White bookshelf, baby. He's so glad you're here. He doesn't have his doors on yet, so you'll have to excuse that he's not fully dressed. You know how it goes, baby. Barry's busy.
cutting-edge of buzzer-technology on the wall, there.
It's not exactly the most interesting photo, but I'm running out of shots before we moved in. If you can think back, that wall used to be: covered in beveled mirror slats, stuck with a built-in sofa that faced a blank wall, and hemmed in by a weird closet with an up-lit arch.
Lookin a little more exciting now, eh? Eh?
And now, for a serious reveal, here's the photo our broker had taken when we were ready to sell. This is three years and many decorating changes later, but I am just so proud.
Dining area. Boom. Living area. Boom. And the kitchen!
You know what? The kitchen probably needs its own post, with photos and layouts and all that fun stuff. Withheld. Again. Take that.